Winter Weather Protocols
Fr. Marty lives within walking distance of the Church so unless there is a problem with the building itself, or a problem with snow removal, or extreme wind chill, services will be held regardless of weather.
If you do not feel safe or comfortable getting out in a particular weather situation, particularly unplowed snow and ice, please stay at home! We will attempt to live stream, as noted below.
We are new to Ames, but in no way new! Orthodox Christianity has been around since the Church was brought into being on Pentecost. Our Church was founded on the principles of conciliarity, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit – as found in Acts 15.
The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant.
It is orthodox, but not Jewish.
It is catholic, but not Roman.
It isn’t non-denominational – it is pre-denominational.
It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago.
Our services are in English – please join us in prayer anytime we gather, or get in touch.

Live Streaming
We attempt to live stream every service, technical difficulties aside.
Livestream Library
Also, services are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube Channel.
Service Book
The variable hymns (with music and readings) are available in our latest “Weekly Bulletin”.
So what is the message of Orthodox Christianity?

1. That God loves you, and more than anything, desires your fellowship and communion.
2. That the path to union with God has been revealed – achievable not just by saints, but by every Christian desiring to know God.
3. That we will share that path with anyone and everyone who desires to know about it.
Daily Bread
In addition to the services of the Church, our life in Christ consists of time with Him in personal prayer and silence. To help our distracted minds focus on this task, Christians have always read the scriptures, particularly the four Gospel books, as often as possible. The Church also remembers various saints on each day of the year. By reading their lives and words we can find encouragement and inspiration to follow their example, living the life in Christ in the face of adversity.